TeamClearCoat Podcast – Episode 163 – Ted Parks of Varsity Roadsters

Joining us this week is Ted Parks, founder of Varsity Roadsters. Let’s get this out of the way right up front: we had an absolute BLAST talking to him about all things related to his car and it’s development.

A huge thing that we love about doing this show is all of the elements of history and culture that are related to automotive enthusiasm. The overlaps are the things that really intrigue us. We honestly don’t think we could find a guest that speaks better to all of those things, their influence, and the incredible outcomes than Ted. Add in some incredible serendipitous moments and the magnitude of Ted’s accomplishments really come to light.

Ted’s care is truly incredible. The world is a better place with the manifestation of his hard work driving through it. Ted, you’re welcome back in the blanket fort at any time. Everyone, be sure to check out his website at Thank you Ted!

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