Full title: 130-Dave Goes High, Ian Deploys Shame, And We Mutter Into Our Mugs Of Despair
If we had a dollar for every time this show was an emotional roller coaster, we’d have lots of dollars. The life of a person is full of ups and downs, and being an automotive enthusiast certainly greases the tracks (mainly with oil from cracked VW oil pans), often times accelerating our vacillation between the two polarities.
Honestly, between Ian and Dave there are probably two vastly different opinions of the emotional up/down dichotomy one experiences when #GettingWetWithIan. In this week’s installment of our soapy excursion, we discuss gun ownership and gun control, then map it to our motoring hobby.
Another thing that embodies the yin/yang of our automotive predilection is the #Carstanza pics that our listeners see and send (Thank you Nick) and like an festering zombie outbreak, they seem to be spreading. An emotional up or down kind of becomes irrelevant when you’re face to face with a Cobalt posing as a Camaro; it raises FAR more questions than it answers.
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