The TeamClearCoat Podcast – Episode 206 – Dave Wins Something???

Full Title:
206-Ian Loses Two Kinds Of Racing, Dave Doesn’t Care That He Won, And We Fall In Love With An Old White Truck

Even a broken clock is right twice a day; that’s the old saying, right? Well, in this week’s show our Fantasy Effington One Token Broken Clock (ahem, Dave) gets to gloat about his super safe play that got him the win in pretend F1 racing.

In addition to the fake racing, our intrepid hosts did some real racing of the karting variety as well, and what do we have here…another couple of victories for Dave? Is something wrong? Something’s wrong.

I’m sure we’ll leave the upside down pretty soon here and things will get back to normal, so don’t worry about it. It’s fine. It’s fine. We love you.

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