The TeamClearCoat Podcast – Episode 99 – Ian and An Altima. A Love Story. Nope.

Full title: Dave Drives Another Infiniti, Ian Stabs Himself In The Leg With A Fork To Stay Awake While Driving A Nissan Altima, And We Are The Lane Deviants

Somewhere between willfully endangering Ian’s life with a Takata airbag and creeping everyone out with a song about a cookie, Dave made some bold statements.

He says the Subaru SVX should be considered the Delorean of the 90s, that the Infinity QX50 is not very good, and there’s something called “lane deviance.”

After Ian located the exit (creepy cookie song still ringing in his ears), he made the not-so-bold claim that the new Golf R doesn’t look exciting enough, and that the Nissan Altima is not an especially interesting car.