205-Dave Gets Glared At, Ian Gets It Right With A Vette, And We Solve A TRD Mystery!!!

Episode 205-WTFTRD-Part Deux

In this week’s show we get to the bottom of things! And No! That’s not a reference to food poisoning or our hind parts or feces, or any of the other usual conditions that often plague this show. For real! For really real!

We’re not going to spoil it in this description, but seriously, Ian Beautiful-Minded this whole TRD stickers on some idiot’s door handles thing. Even as I type it, I can’t believe it, but we really do think we figured this Carstanza-adjacent situation all out.

Besides being like the best detectives EVAR, we introduce a new segment in this week’s show: Newly Wed To A Car, and this first subject is the brand new Chevrolet Corvette C8. Oh yeah!

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